
Ten tips for pageant parents

Posted by Jill on 19th Jun 2017

When put into perspective, enrolling your child in a pageant can be incredibly beneficial. For one thing, pageants tackle public speaking at an early age since the child mustperform (and speak) in front of an audience. In addition to this, enrolling your child in a pageant is a great bonding opportunity and can be a fun hobby in which for you and your little one to get involved.
With pageants being beneficial for both parties, it's safe to say that enrolling in one isn't such a bad idea, considering that prizes and trophies are on the line as well. So, before you stock up on tutus, pink dresses, pageant dresses, or princess dresses for a pageant, there are a few tricks of the trade that you'll need to know before you and your child compete.
Ten helpful tips for pageant parents include:
1. Start Small: Sadly, some children really won't like being part of a pageant. When you're entering your first competition, try not to get involved with a pageant that has an enrollment fee. This way, if they dislike the experience, you won't be losing money if they're unhappy.
2. Focus on the Baby: If you happen to be enrolling a baby into a pageant and you're walking them out, only focus on the baby and not the judges. The judges are
focusing on the baby (not you).
3. Give the Judges Space: If you should walk your child out to the judges, it's important to give them space. Invading the judges' personal space can be awkward andit could cost you some points.
4. Read to Your Child: Reading to your child helps them develop a larger vocabulary, which will be needed when they speak.
5. Choose a Conservative Outfit: Make sure your outfit is nothing that would take away the attention from your child. Make sure dresses or skirts don't come above the knees and tops are conservative. The focus should be on the girls party
dresses, christening dresses, and girls designer clothes, not on the parent's outfit.
6. Use Proper Grammar: Using proper grammar with your child wins big points in the long run. This is something that both of you may have to regularly work on outside of competitions.
7. Enroll in Activities: Encourage your child to enjoy activities outside of pageants. With any luck, they might be able to involve it in their act.
8. Support Self-Expression: Encourage your child to speak their mind and express themselves. Doing so will allow them to think on their feet when being asked questions in front of the judges.
9. Within Reason, Talk to Strangers: Encouraging your child to talk to acquaintances is an excellent way to sharpen their social skills. This way your child won't feel nervous when speaking to judges candidly about themselves.
10. Practice Microphone Skills: Encourage your child to speak into a microphone whenever possible. The more comfortable they can be when using a microphone, the better they'll perform.
Considering the information above, enrolling your child in a pageant can be a thrilling experience for all parties involved. In addition to making your child more sociable and involved in extracurricular activities, spending time searching for the best outfits for your little one’s pageant is great bonding time. Pink Princess offers a great selection of beautiful and age appropriate pageant dresses. To find out more, contact them at 888-335-5077 and get started on your new princess pageant journey!
Source: toddlers-and-young-children/
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